Tuesday, April 8, 2014

I Solemnly Swear I Am Up to No Good

I was uncool before uncool was cool. Fantasy was one of my first favorite drugs. Way before shopping. I was the nerdy little girl who NEVER got in trouble at school unless it was for reading one of my books when I was supposed to be doing something else. Growing up I was way into LOTR. Sorry, "Lord of the Rings", in layman's terms. Then when I got a little older, and had already read and reread and watched and rewatched all of LOTR, I decided I could get into Harry Potter as well.

It makes sense that I fell in love with fantasy, with the opposite of reality. I was small and uncool, constantly getting picked on for being a "goodie two-shoes" and for wearing shoes from Payless Shoesource when everyone else had brand names. THEY LITERALLY CALLED ME GOODIE-PAYLESS SHOES. This nickname still haunts me. (Hmmm, I wonder why I became a snarky rebel bitch with a penchant for swanky clothes...?) It absolutely lit my hurt little heart on fire to read stories about good people defeating total jerks. I loved pretending to live in those worlds where money wasn't everything and good things happened to good people.  And yes, I need good to triumph over evil but I do love the Bellatrix that J.K. Rowling and Helena Bonham Carter created together. Because a midst the warm fuzzy feelings I get from fantasy, I can still go gaga over this batshit insane witch who is fully committed to pure evil and havoc. But anyway...

I appreciate that fantasy grew up with me. Because I am never going to outgrow my love of a sweet good versus evil plus magic story. I'm glad I don't (only) have to rely on Hot Topic for my fangirl shit now. God bless Blackmilk for making the slinky nylon minidress equivalent of an I LOVE HARRY POTTER body bumper sticker. It's definitely a little cooler. But still just uncool enough to be comfortable. 

Mischief managed.

Bellatrix Lestrange dress: Blackmilk clothing
Black quarter-sleeve cardigan: H&M
Opaque grey stockings: American Apparel 

1 comment:

  1. I find myself oddly reminded of my own life when reading this. On another, happier note: I adore your dress!
