Sunday, September 15, 2013

No Offense

I'm making a to-do list all I have so far
Buy rain boots
And I have a scarf in a suitcase
And a beat in my heart that I can hardly hear
Nothing catchy or glamorous
Soundtrack for my clean escape
The scene

Last night unbearable
Blockbuster horror
Monsters in uniforms
The same fucking stringy hair
City lights from far away
From a teenager make out cliff
Internal bone marrow scream
Bandits burnt out bulbs
Traitor-serpent eyes glaring jaundice

You are not stars

Keep my soul in the corner
Out of sight out of mind
Focus on the fact
That I came I saw I smoked three cigarettes
For no apparent reason lack of purpose clearly
Theming this party decorated
Vets were chilling me
Stone cold sober
Swallow sins
Disregard that I have ever been nostalgic
For a time in my life
In which I wasn't even happy

Escape artist Extraordinaire sudden sonnet Volta    

Wish you were here words now non-existent
These shivers couldn't fit in a paper cut
Shaky bloodshot phone call to a fogged bridge
Or a forest
In a bloodshot moment of desperation
Treating you as a doctor
Please give me your signature
And get me the hell out of this town
Begging politely
For the way you blanket me
With your skin of warm Sunday flannel
And I'm not sure if I want you
Or if I am just tired
Of hearing the same drugged stories tired
Of the garbage fashion show
Tired and wanting to breathe something clean
Sleeping beauty up the stairs
In the house you made of pine needles

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