Friday, March 16, 2012

Rage and Stuff.

This is not a fashion blog, because I am not a girl. Indeed this must be a lie, because when I look down I see a vagina and when I look up I see a glass ceiling. So I'm a girl. I am arguably, "The Average Girl": I don't have very much money in my bank account, my feelings at times can only be described by song lyrics from the early 2000's, and I sometimes secretly dream of running away and being a painter/broke barista. If you added up all of the girls and divided this new-found sum by... all of the girls, you would get me. I am the Average Girl.

I bought a baggy crop top yesterday, because I love block print. Block print reminds me of hardcore, and when I used to listen to hardcore, and when I used to be hardcore. The aforementioned crop top simply says "RAGE". Thinking of wearing it for the rest of my life. I get addicted to the most excruciatingly life-ruining things. Not like, meth and hookers - there's a time and a place for THOSE - but things like processed carbs, for example, and running lights that have been red for anywhere from 2 to 5 minutes. I got a ticket for this today, and I had a shitty day at work. Today is one of those days where I believe that I will continue to have shitty days at work until I run away to become an artist/makeup artist/broke barista or until I become someone with more tattoos, someone with more courage. Someone with more.

"What most people in my situation would do is go to their boyfriend's house. They would go there and cry and be handed tissues and cry some more and never stop to think that they should really be laughing and smiling joyfully because their boyfriend is an actual physical being on the same plane of reality as them." - No One Belongs Here More Than You, stories by Miranda July

Tune in next time, when I write a film review or something. This is not a fashion blog. I am not a girl. These are not vicious lies.These are not vicious lies.

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